Statement: Legislative letters in support of ADCVD petitions

Two letters were sent today to Secretary Raimondo and the Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commission, David Johanson, in support of the antidumping and countervailing duty (AD/CVD) petitions filed by the American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee.


“Senator Brown has always understood what these solar trade cases are all about, which is to bring back and protect good-paying, local, American jobs. Solar technology was invented in America and we have the workers, innovation, and capacity to be a global solar leader once again, if given a level playing field. Thanks to the historic clean energy investments in the Inflation Reduction Act – which Senator Brown guided – we have a chance to give Americans that fair chance to succeed. We are grateful for Senator Brown and Congresswoman Kaptur’s leadership in sending this letter,” said Tim Brightbill, lead counsel for the American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee (AASMTC) challenging the unfair and illegal trade practices of Chinese-headquartered companies via Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam that are causing immense volatility and cost uncertainty to the U.S. domestic solar market.

American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee

