Stay informed. The future of this cutting-edge industry is at stake for American solar developers & manufacturers alike.

Press Release: The American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee Commends ITA on Solar Countervailing Duty Preliminary Determinations

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration (ITA) today issued its preliminary determination of countervailing duties to be imposed on crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells imported from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Commerce imposed the subsidy rates in response to cases brought by The American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee in April 2024.

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Solar Power World: Commerce to tariff solar imports from Southeast Asia, some by as much as 300%

The Dept. of Commerce today released its preliminary affirmative determination in the countervailing duty (CVD) case relating to solar cell imports from Southeast Asia. After an affirmative determination from the U.S. International Trade Commission in June that the U.S. solar panel manufacturing industry is being materially injured by imports of silicon solar cells and panels from Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam, Commerce has been working on the tariff amounts to apply.

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Press Release: Critical Circumstances Allegations Against Solar Imports from Vietnam and Thailand

The American Alliance for Solar Manufacturing Trade Committee filed critical circumstances allegations with the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding surges of solar imports from Vietnam and Thailand that are injuring the U.S. solar industry. The Trade Committee based its allegations on a 39% increase in imports from Vietnam and a 17% increase from Thailand between April and June 2024, when compared to January and March 2024.

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